Have you heard about the letter that Focus on the Family's Action Committee released? It is a HYPOTHETICAL look back at four years of an Obama presidency. It discusses legislation that could potentially be passed based on Obama's current voting records.
I read it and it is scary.
Many people are calling it outrageous and are criticizing Focus on the Family for using scare tactics.
I would really like to know what you think. Are we so desensitized to absolute truth that we criticize an honest assessment of what our future could look like? Or have we gone too far in our criticism and abandoned moral decency? Is it scare tactics or is it a fair projection? Are we as Christians to boldly venture this far out into the political arena, or are we to quietly watch and pray for our leadership?
As of this morning, there is a Facebook group 5500 strong and counting (after only being in existence for three days) of bipartisan Christians against the Focus letter.
I have many thoughts, but am anxious to hear yours. Read it and let us know what you think. (Couldn't figure out the link- just copy and paste the url) http://focusfamaction.edgeboss.net/download/focusfamaction/pdfs/10-22-08_2012letter.pdf
Big Boo Cast: Episode 427
11 hours ago
Hi friends! Responding to L.'s post about the FOTF letter, I find the content of the document inflammatory, inaccurate, and highly offensive. As a Christ-follower and librarian-extraordinaire (just kidding!), I am all about getting the facts and I really abhor the truth-stretching that I see my fellow conservatives do with statements like this. I have thoroughly researched Obama from every conceivable angle. He wasn't my first or even second choice for president. I would have preferred to have a much different choice than either of the ones offered to me, which is why I felt the need to do such a thorough job of figuring out where each candidate stood. Frankly, I didn't like McCain at all and I believe, based on my research, that he and Palin both practiced 'part-time' Christianity. I couldn't support Obama's liberal agenda. But writing letters like the one published by FOTF only incites fear, promotes misinformation, and further divides this country. Some of my best friends and closest family voted for Obama. I know why they did it. Because they sense that something is wrong with America, and that the "way we've always done it" isn't working, even when so-called conservatives are in power. I don't think voting for Obama was the right thing to affect change, but I too desire a different country that reflects Christ to the world. I don't think this FOTF letter will bring a single non-believer to Jesus. And as far as I'm concerned, that's the business I'm supposed to be about.
Love y'all!
Thanks Heather! I think the whole thing is fascinating so thank you for sharing your opinions. I'm anxious to hear what others think.
WOW!!! I don't even know where to begin...it reads to me like the "Christian from 2012" needs to study their Bible a little more and I suggest starting with Daniel. We have lived and will continue to live in Babylon until the last trumpet sounds and Christ returns. This election does not change that. But this letter reads really angry...what about God's sovereignty? I didn't vote for Obama...but he will be the President of the United States, elected by the people and for the people. I will continue to pray for him, his family, the stirring of his Spirit, his convictions, and his decisions as he leads this great country of ours. And PLEASE let's not forget who is REALLY in control! Look how God humbled ol' King Neb!!!
. . . FRIGHTENING, because we're still HERE.
. . . ENCOURAGING, because He's soon to come.
Thanks L, for bringing this to the spotlight.
Best case scenario: we all get to Heaven a lot sooner than we planned.
Worse case scenario: The RIGHT wakes up, returns to CONSISTENT conservative Christian values, and the pendulum swings back the other way two years, as well as four years from now.
Scare tactics or not, this could be a good thing.
To me this letter doesn't accomplish anything other than encouraging further animosity between believers and nonbelievers. Our government works through numerous comprises, no matter who is in power. We've seen how both sides of the aisle can squander their power. Egos always get in the way! Bottom line: We need to be on our knees lifting up our country and our new President and his decisions in our prayers. "The effective prayer of a righteous person has great power." James 5:16b Christians, we must not be complacent! God can absolutely work through nonbelievers! Jen mentioned King Neb. Remember, Our Father also used Alexander the Great to spread the Greek language throughout the world so that much later His Word would be spread. My hope is in the sovereign God! "I will surely gather them from all the lands where I banish them in my furious anger and great wrath. I will bring them back to this place and let them live in safety. they will be my people and I will be their God." Jeremiah 32:37-38
Hmmm... which would be better, Australia or New Zealand?
None of us are predictors of the future, but if this becomes even remotely factual at any point we are in for some really rough times. It's up to us to get out of our comfort zones and do OUR JOB, which is to spread the gospel to everyone. Being a FOLLOWER of Christ, not just a believer, is going to get rough. I want to equip myself daily in the Word so that I can go out and win people for HIM.
I found this letter fascinating, and we are fooling ourselves if we don't think that appointing Chief Justices on the strong liberal side won't change our entire country. All I know is that I'm glad my HOPE doesn't rest on political figures. The sad news is that for some... it does.
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